Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)

Keegan Mathers

Religion is a tender topic in today’s society. Who is right? What is real? Well whoever may be staring down at us from above (If any) must have a sense of humour. That is exactly what was going through Bobby Henderson’s, 24 year old,Oregonstate university graduate, mind when he created Pastafarianism.

Touched by his Noodly Appendages, a parody of the creation of Adam is an iconic image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In 2005, Bobby Henderson felt that if the Kansas School Board was teaching children about intelligent design and evolution, his theory should be taught as well. According to Henderson, the intelligent design movement uses multiple references to a “designer” and any imaginable entity can fill that role, including a Flying Spaghetti Monster. The letter Henderson wrote to the school board regarding the Flying Spaghetti Monster became an internet phenomenon. He received mass amounts of hate mail, but eventually Pastafarian was born.

Personally I don’t believe in Pastafarianism, but I do think it is a good idea. It’s good for everyone to stop arguing about who is right or wrong, and have a good laugh about this whole religion situation. For example, the original Pastafarians were pirates. According to Pastafarians, the image of pirates being thieves and outcasts was a rumour generated by the Christian society. Pirates are actually “peace.-loving explorers and spreaders of good will”. They also gave candy to small children. Also, they believe that the reason for global warming is the decreasing number of pirates. And instead of saying Amen, they say Ramen, which type of noodle incase you didn’t know.

Keenan Courtis, school president and Keenan ologist, says that the church of the FSM is just a colourful way to prove a point. I couldn’t agree more. The point I think Bobby is trying to prove is that there is no way to prove who is right. So there’s no point arguing. However, Chris Minielly, a fifth year Christian student, says “I don’t think something made up 5 years ago should be a religion.” William Johnson, on the other hand, says that is a good thing that people are coming together to laugh about something. “Besides it’s no different from what the Christians did 2000 years ago.” He says.

There are a lot of people giving Bobby a hard time when he is just another guy giving the world something to believe in. Sure a Flying Spaghetti Monster is a little over the edge, but a blue guy with four arms isn’t? And don’t think you are off the hook Christianity, because a bearded man in the clouds sounds like an acid trip. I could go on for hours about religious gods, but like many other religions, the church of the FSM has millions of followers. Just be thankful that they haven’t come knocking on your door to tell you to accept the FSM as your Saviour.

Who knows? Maybe we will all see each other in the Pastafarian heaven (A giant beer volcano next to a stripper factory) or Hell, which is the exact same thing but the beer is stale and the strippers have STDs. But whatever happens I’m sure we’ll have a good laugh about it. Ramen.