School Spirit, or Lack there of…

Duncan Bossenberry looks on at the empty bleachers

Cole Morrell-Martin

School Spirit at EDSS is at a low. Moral in students has been crushed. Back in the day people would come out to sporting events not only because they wanted to, but because they were allowed to. There used to be exciting events, more dances and overall more school spirit. That was when highschool was exciting. We still dreaded class, but we had something to look forward to during the week, other than the weekend.

Buyouts were an exciting event. Plenty of kids would show up for the game and cheer on their team from, anywhere to football to girl’s hockey. Obviously one hundred percent of the students aren’t going to show up after buying out, but that doesn’t mean they get to ruin it for the rest of us. Sports are something to be celebrated and at EDSS, it’s tough to do that with such constrictions.

When students come to school with nothing to look forward to during the week they get restless. They rebel; they dislike teachers, vice principles and worst of all each other. We need events at school. Events bring students together and when teachers get involved the students get to know the teachers better and highschool gets easier. If EDSS stays how it is, things will not get better, but worse. When you are more involved in school you will strive in it. Things have to change.

Some fellow adult status students and I decided to sign out and support our football team. A vice principal came up to us and told us to stop making so much noise. She said something about us being adults now and kids looking up to us. Excuse us for showing school spirit and I would not say we’re such bad kids to look up to for cheering on our teams.

Candace Kuepfer, student at EDSS, says, “So the band member’s younger brother who comes to see him play at a coffee-house has to sit in the car or gets kicked out just because he doesn’t have a student card?” A good example of how inviting EDSS is for future students.

The school board is killing our student moral. Nothing good will come from these constrictions. Yes we realize you are the older and much “wiser,” but come on, this is ridiculous. How can kids be creative in this environment where the vice-principals shut down any idea for an event? The school board is unwilling to care and it’s sad, but if this is the way things are going to be for now on I feel sorry for the upcoming students. Highschool should be the best years of our teenage lives and it’s a gloomy future, the way it’s heading.

Dear School board, Vice Principals, Teachers (select few) and other dream killers… As students, we realize we aren’t fully mature, we know our place. Do you know yours? We have amazing minds attending EDSS falling short because of you. We are the future and we HAVE a voice. We will not be silenced anymore.