The Dark Knight vs The Man of Steel

Mathew O’Hara

 The age-old question that has resurfaced in our society time and time again is coming back again. It is the one question to rule them all. Controversy has stricken communities around the globe. If you haven’t pondered the greatest question of the universe the time is now. This could be no other question than: Who would win, Batman or Superman?

 The new Batman movie in the saga is The Dark Knight Rises. It comes out July 20, 2012. With the subject currently on the rise of who is the better superhero it’s evident that the movie is partially to blame. News of the new movie was murmured and this question that has plagued us all started to come back into being.

Among the destruction, Superman And Batman duke it out.

Batman, or the Dark Knight, lives in Gotham. The lower parts of the city are controlled by crime lords. The Mobsters and villains work together to try and thwart the man behind the mask. Batman’s preparedness, however, is unmatched when performing in this sort of vigilante-justice. His cause is fuelled by vengeance towards crime after seeing his parents brutally murdered. That and boat loads of cash; by day Batman American billionaire Bruce Wayne. After he trains himself, Bruce is said to be the world’s greatest detective. His gadgets and awareness pairs up with his strength of will, stealth and amazing combat skills to make him a force to be reckoned with.

 Superman, or “The Man of Steel”, is a resident of Metropolis. It is a thriving city which is constantly under siege by super villains. Originally from Krypton, this superhuman was sent off by his parents, as an infant, to earth to live a prosperous life. The planet was nearing explosion when his tiny capsule was discharged. Superman’s only weakness is small pieces of Krypton called kryptonite. Raised on a farm as Clark Kent, his moral fibre is unyielding to others. Being an alien his most seen powers include super strength, flight, and invulnerability to non-magical attacks. Others include super speed, super hearing, super vision, and super breath; he can blow out freezing winds and winds at very high forces. These powers would make anyone a tough foe.

 If these two fought it is sure destruction would ravage the field. Batman would use many explosives and Superman would utilize his super breath and vision without a doubt. One piece of information that could turn the tides itself; he has a stash of kryptonite for just this occasion. Being the world’s greatest detective Batman knows Superman’s weakness, and he made a ring out of it. I have always said that Batman’s preparedness is unmatched by any other, human or not. Superman has x-ray vision so couldn’t he just find where Batman has hidden the kryptonite? No. Batman encased the stones in lead just for this reason.

 Scott Snyder, a former EDSS grad, explains; Batman does rely on technology which can prove to be a problem. “Supermans powers are imbedded in his genetics while Batman uses technology which can fail at any time.”

 Jordan Good, 18, is on the other side. “Batman [would win] he has no weakness”

 This is true, apart from the weakness all humans have; mortality. Batman has the mind, though he is not a strong he would still put up a good fight. He has his technology and he has Superman’s one true weakness in his power for such an occasion. The only problem is that he can be killed. Earlier mentioned, Superman’s strong moral fibre comes into play. He does not kill. Superman cannot exploit Batman’s one true weakness.

 Ultimately brain (or planning) will win over brawn in this fight. As Superman does have a lot of power in his arsenal he does not have the preparedness it takes to beat such a formidable opponent such as Batman. Batman has a kryptonite ring among other weapons using that material. He is prepared. He can exploit Superman’s weakness and he will. He has planned for this day. I think Abraham Lincoln said it best: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

In this fight, the fight; planning is triumphant.