In What Ways Are Steroid Users Cheating?

Dan Beams

Steroids are used in a lot of sports nowadays. Despite the fact that they are often made illegal in almost all sports.                                    

            Some people are completely against any sort of steroid use because they think that it is cheating and can cause an unfair advantage. That is only true in sports where the use of steroids is illegal.     

Steroids can turn a woman into a woMONSTER.

        However, in sports like power lifting, or competitive bodybuilding, they have leagues for both the natural and the steroid users. I personally don’t see how it is cheating if everyone does it? It no doubt is not natural, but if you are in a steroid using league, and you are using steroids, you are at no advantage or disadvantage to any of your opponents.

            By all means, if someone used steroids in a natural league, then it is definitely cheating and they should by all means be charged. It is without a doubt an unfair advantage if it is being used in a league that does not permit it. 

            People often think that steroid use is cheating because they just think the users are lazy gym rats, who do not have the drive to get big the natural way. In reality, the vast majority of steroid users are competitive bodybuilders or pro athletes in general, who use steroids to pass their natural limit.

            The bodybuilder/power lifters that use steroids don’t just use them due to lack of discipline so they can speed up the process. They have crazy dedication. For example bodybuilder, Kai Greene, 5’ 9” and 300 lbs at 4% body fat. He does take steroids, but he also has one of the strictest and largest diets in the world. He at one point was eating six to nine pounds of beef per day, he would end up getting around 500 – 1000 grams of protein per day. Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, etc, he consumes.         

            Over 99% of people would not be able to be at nearly the caliber of someone these athletes even with steroids, it takes a lot of dedication, only using steroids, and the average person would not get anywhere.

           The use of steroids in sports can cause an unfair advantage to those who use them, in sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, MMA, and natural bodybuilding, and power lifting. In certain sports that have both a natural and unnatural league, I don’t think that steroids use is cheating at all. As long as they are consumed in a safe manner and in sports that permit them, they should not be as negatively thought of.

6 Responses

  1. I only want to discuss this short article, dont you believe you overlooked the primary level a bit?

  2. I would still say it’s cheating. People use their small size as an excuse to using and they say they need to be bigger and stronger to play in the league? I say this is BS look at NFL athlete, Desean Jackson is one of the smallest players, weighing 175 (way undersized and never juiced) in the league and he is one of the best receivers because he tries hard. Nobody needs steroids to be better. It IS cheating, even though it doesn’t always make them better athletes.

    • Again, like I said there are many cases where it IS cheating. But there are also some cases where I don’t think it is. I still don’t support it but in bodybuilding/powerlifting leagues where the use IS PERMITTED and everyone in the league uses there is no way they are at any advantage to the others! In the vast majority of sports it is not okay. But in certain league it is both allowed and used by all competitors
      Of course there is no need for steroids, but that doesn’t change the fact that certain sports allow it and everyone in said sport uses.

  3. Are you saying it’s ok to use? There is no safe way to use steroids. There are many side effects that you didn’t mention. The fact that kids are starting to use steroids as early as 15 is insanity. It stunts your growth and accelerates your puberty and then there’s the other embarrassing effects like shrunken nuts and tons of acne…

    Taking steroids also messes up your tendons and bone structure. Your muscles grow rapidly, but your other parts do not. Your body can’t handle the same amount of stress and weight that your unnatural muscles can, leading to injuries and other issues.

    If you plan on playing sports long term- Do not use.
    If you plan on becoming injury prone and being a high school hero and messing up your chances on having a relationship- Go ahead

    • I do entirely agree with you that steroids are not a good idea to use. The point of this article was more to adress the cheating aspect of it, as the title states. As I say in the article, there are certain circumstances where they are and should be considered cheating and some where they should not.
      Ultimately I do not support steroid use for exactly the reasons you just said. But ultimately if a Pro athlete uses them to bring themselves up to the same level as all the others in his/her league, then I do not think that is cheating. And the side effects that they may, or may not experience are their own issues, and they know the risks.

    • You are completely right that tehre are many aspects of steroid use that I did not touch base on. But as far as cheating goes, those side efefcts don’t really play a part in that. The small nuts, bone and legiment injuries, etc. Those are all great reasons why not to use. They do not however change whether or not it is cheating.

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